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Banner with school logo and school name and motto
school logo


The Z. Walter Janiak Spirit Award is given each year to recognize a student and a staff member who has given that extra effort that makes our school better than the rest.

Mr. Z. Walter Janiak, Superintendent-Director of our school until 1984, worked tirelessly on the local, state, and national levels to pursue every opportunity for the improvement of vocational education. The opening of this school in 1977 was the realization of a goal he had worked many years to achieve.

This award, named for Mr. Janiak, is given to individuals who demonstrate the pride, spirit, and selflessness that he made a part of his daily life. If you know someone, who is this kind of special person, any senior student, or any staff member, who may go unrecognized for their efforts, you may nominate them for this award. One student and one staff recipient will be chosen. Winners will be recognized at Senior Awards Night on Wednesday, May 16th in the auditorium.

All students and staff are encouraged to participate. *Forms will be available in room B310A, and at the Welcome Center through Friday, May 4th. *Completed forms should be returned to the box at the Welcome Center or dropped off in room B310A.

Superintendent O’Brien is asking that everyone take the time to print the attached nomination form and nominate a staff member or a senior who demonstrates the ultimate in school spirit & pride!

This is your opportunity to show appreciation to the unsung heroes in our school!