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2011 Greater New Bedford Voc-Tech Graduate Becomes a Licensed Architect 

Patrick Grime is a 2011 graduate of Greater New Bedford Voc-Tech. He graduated from the Architectural Drafting program and was involved in several extra curricular activities. He just recently became a licensed architect, which is an amazing accomplishment! Below is his interview.

  1. What was the process like in becoming a licensed architect? 

Like a lot of other professional licenses, the path to licensure was a multipart process. Earning a Master’s degree, completing nearly 4,000 hours of category specific work under a licensed architect, and passing 6 different licensing exams. 

  1. How did Voc-Tech prepare you for this process? 

Everything that was taught in my shop and in the classroom at Voc was real. I may not have realized just how real at the time, but time and time again I’ve thought back to a different project or lesson plan to help get me through a college class, answer questions on a licensing exam, or help me get my work done in the office. I can’t think of just one example, because to be honest, every day since graduating high school I have somehow, in some way, utilized lessons learned at Voc. 

  1. How did Voc-Tech prepare you for college?

Being in the Architectural Drafting Shop at Voc was crucial for me, and everything I was taught by my Voc Tech Teachers, both in and out of the classroom, built a springboard for everything I’ve done since. When I first started my architecture degree program I felt as if I was ahead of the game, having this foundation of architectural and design strategy knowledge that I was being taught all over again. Of course, in college, being “Ahead of the game” only lasts so long, but it sure made a difference. 

Aside from being prepared academically, my teachers helped shape my character by helping me understand how to balance an academic workload with a myriad of extracurricular activities, and along the way learn how to recognize when it’s more important to admit you don’t know what you’re doing rather than going on pretending like you do.

  1. Describe your experience at Voc-Tech? 

Unforgettable. My time spent at Voc has really proven to be an investment returned two-fold. The lessons learned and friends made have bolstered my understanding of my profession and given me an invaluable education. My Voc-Tech Family was always an incredibly supportive force behind me while in school, and to this day continue to be some of my biggest champions.

  1. If you could give some advice to your Voc-Tech freshman self, what would it be? 

Life doesn’t always go the way you’ve planned, and that’s OK! Roll with it!