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Fun107’s SouthCoast Teacher of the Month

Greater New Bedford Voc-Tech is proud to announce that Mr. Michael de Gouveia, Media Technology Teacher, has been selected as Fun 107’s SouthCoast Teacher of the Month. On the Michael & Maddie Show, Michael Rock, Maddie Levine, and their producer, Gazelle, discussed why Mr. de Gouveia was chosen and how he makes such a strong impact on his students.
Some of the touching nomination letters Fun 107 received stated:
  • He’s the sweetest and most caring teacher. He’s always there for his students. He’s funny and knows how to put a smile on his students’ faces even when they’re down.
  • He’s able to teach the complex information in easy to digest ways as well as make class a fun and interesting experience. He’s able to relate to his students well maintaining a healthy respectful distance.
  • He always makes teaching fun and is very understanding 

Congratulations to Mr. de Gouveia.  We encourage all to watch the video clip from the show and read the full article on Fun 107’s website.