Banner with school logo and school name and motto
Banner with school logo and school name and motto
school logo

     There have been some updates to the attendance information that you must know. Students must be in school by 7:30 a.m. to be considered on time. Students must be in their academic and shop classes by 7:40 a.m. in order to be considered not tardy. Tardies and absences must be made up in the cafeteria in the form of a tardy detention. If you arrive at school before 8:20 a.m., your make up time will be 30 minutes. If you arrive after 8:20, your make up time will be an hour. Vacations are still unexcused absences.

If you are being dismissed by a parent or guardian, they must be listed on the 10A emergency form. If the person picking up a student is not on the 10A form, there must be a note for one of the individuals on the form. All people picking up students must come into the building and sign the student out in the Welcome Center. Students being dismissed, that are self drivers, must drop off a written note from a parent or guardian before school in the Attendance Office. For more information about the attendance policy see page 37 in the GNB Voc Tech handbook.