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Mr. Robert Brandi

Robert Brandi Faces of GNBVT photo

    Meet Mr. Robert Brandi, a facilities staff member at GNBVT. Some of you have met Bob, have seen him walking down the hallway or even had a full conversation with him. Mr. Brandi always goes where he’s needed, which seems like everywhere. “I do a little of everything, from custodial work to maintenance work to grounds work and during Open Houses we’re out there doing security work.” Mr. Brandi appreciates his job because he’s worked many others and knows what it’s like to have less. He said he has “worked outside, been out to sea for many years. It doesn’t really rain in this building, it doesn’t really snow in this building and in the summertime, it’s pretty cold in this building.” Mr. Brandi is an important part of the GNBVT community. Even though he appreciates that it doesn’t rain or snow in the building, his favorite part about the school is the staff members, teachers, and all the people that are involved in our school, “I would say the environment, back to working with the staff of close to 300 people, everyone; from teachers to facilities to the girls in the kitchen and even working with students is the best part” he said. During this interview, Bob was having so much fun and laughing with me while he cracked some of what we call dad jokes. If you see Bob walking by you in the hallway, give him a wave or hello. And most importantly, say thank you for all the work he and all the other facilities members do for our school.

“Everyone; from teachers to facilities to the girls in the kitchen, and even working with the students is the best part.”