Meet Manuel Dasilva, a senior in Programming and Web development at Greater New Bedford Voc Tech. Manuel came to GNBVT, because he was interested in video game creation and coding. His spark for creating video games derived from his time in middle school where he used basic code to create games on scratch.com. This passion led him to select Information Technology as his shop and eventually focus on Programming and Web Development.
One of Manuel’s favorite programs in his shop is Adobe Photoshop because it allows him to express his humor and artistic capabilities. Being a video game developer isn’t the only profession that he’s interested in, he envisions himself as either a content creator, a video editor or a graphic designer.
After school, Manuel has been involved in SkillsUSA and the Esports club. After being recommended to take part in SkillsUSA by one of his shop teachers, Manuel signed up and made it to the state competition, taking part in the web design contest during his junior year. Esports club is another after-school activity that Manuel does. He finds it to be a place where he can relax after a long school day and have fun with his friends. Even though he is not an athlete in any team sports, Manuel still loves to show his school spirit by attending sporting events, primarily football games, where some of his favorite memories have been made.
Manuel sees himself as a very adventurous person and often finds himself exploring with his friends. He also takes time to dabble in other hobbies such as his love for cooking and his enjoyment of ice skating. When working with others, Manuel brings his great sense of humor and his technical thinking skills to help those around him succeed. While at GNBVT, Manuel believes he has matured and has been able to improve his overall confidence.
Article and Picture by: Evan Bolieiro, Senior Media Technology