Updated Wednesday, March 31, 2020 @ 11:17 am
Enrichment Activities
March 25 – April 5
It is important that students work on these activities to continue learning in all of their classes. Pace yourself appropriately and set aside time during each day to work on your school activities. Teachers are available during the school day to assist all students.
Learning from Home:
- Students can always access enrichment learning opportunities through their teachers’ Google Classroom or their student’s @gnbvt.edu email account.
- The resources listed on this page are for both students and families to know a brief summary of the enrichment assignments available in the Google Classroom or sent directly to the student’s email.
- These resources are for Wednesday, March 25 to Sunday, April 5.
- This resource is in a spreadsheet, please look to the bottom of the document to find the student’s course.
- This information may be updated in real time. Please refresh your browser periodically.
- This work is not required. This work is an opportunity for continued learning and personal growth.
Try the assignments and stay actively involved in your education!