Business Professionals of America

President: | Vice President: | Secretary: | Treasurer: | Chair-Historian: |
Noah Cabral | Olivia DiGregorio | Samantha Simon | Alexandria Soares | Alexis Simpkin |
Historian: | Historian: | Historian: | Parliamentarian: | |
Sonia Sicajau Quino | Josh Abreu | Morgan Goncalo | Luis Pinto |
General Information
BPA Mission
The mission of Business Professionals of America is to contribute to the preparation of a world-class workforce through the advancement of leadership, citizenship, academic, and technological skills.
BPA Vision
The vision statement of Business Professionals of America is as follows: At Business Professionals of America, we are committed to developing the best possible career and technical education organization for students in the United States. The measure of our success will be the perception that alumni of Business Professionals of America are highly competent and skilled workforce professionals who enable business and industry to maintain the economic vitality and high quality of life associated with our celebrated United States of America.
BPA History
Business Professionals of America is the leading CTSO (Career Technical Student Organization) for students pursuing careers in business management, office administration, information technology, and other related career fields. BPA has 45,000 members in over 1,800 chapters across 25 states and Puerto Rico, as well as an international presence in China, Haiti, and Peru.
BPA Motto
Today’s students. Tomorrow’s business professionals.
BPA Pledge
We are met in a spirit of friendship and goodwill as we prepare for productive careers in a world-class workforce. We work together to develop professionalism and leadership through Business Professionals of America and pledge our loyalty to our nation.
BPA Colors
The colors navy blue, red, and tan represent the national BPA organization. Navy blue signifies the success achieved through leadership and professionalism. Tan represents the bountiful fields of opportunity in America. Red symbolizes the friendship obtained through teamwork in our organization.

Uthai Panayakul
Room: G124
Extension: 232
Jennifer Gaspar
Room: G141
Extension: 244